Monday, March 14, 2011

How to get rid of ants

I’ve been working on the subject of getting rid of ants for a long time now. In fact, this article was one of my first projects for How to Get Rid of Things, and I have updated it a number of times over the past couple of years. Changes in structure and further research compel me to get you good answers to common problems—ants not being the least of those issues. The most problematic question is: what kind of ants are we trying to get rid of?

There are so many varieties of ants found in North America, it’s almost impossible to know what is what. Some ants (like the Argentine Ant) are more of a problem on the West Coast than they are on the East Coast. Fire ants are a problem only in the south, while the carpenter ant seems to keep both southerners and my people up north quite busy, as well. So, what we’re going to do is approach the subject of getting rid of ants by how common the problem is and how difficult it is to get rid of. Most species of ant I mention in this ant control article will be linked to a page with more detailed information about getting rid of ants of that particular species.

Common Ants & Ant Control
To get rid of Sugar Ants or House Ants, known to the scientific community as Pavement Ants, sweet-based ant baits should do the trick. The pavement ant is perhaps the most common ant to invade houses, apartments, and other places where food can be found. It is mistakenly called both the sugar ant (which is an ant exclusive to the Australian continent) and the house ant (of which there are many). Pavement ants are the little brown ants that make small mounds in the sand near sidewalks, driveways, and the sides of houses. I've had plenty of pavement ant problems, and I prefer Terro brand traps to get rid of sugar ants--ahem!--I mean pavement ants.
To get rid of Pharaoh Ants, another common house ant often called a Sugar Ant, sweet baits, again, should suffice as proper ant control. This ant is particularly obnoxious because of its persistence in getting what it wants, and it will eat just about anything: sugars, proteins, you name it. In some instances, these ants are found in hospitals where sterilization standards are lax. The Pharaoh Ant is often blamed for transferring dangerous bacteria like Staphylococcus and Psuedomonas, according to the Ohio State Extension Office. Sweet baits placed near trails or high ant traffic areas are the most efficient form of control. As I mentioned earlier, Terro makes a quality sweet ant bait.
To get rid of Argentine Ants, found in the south and southwestern states, a combination of protein-based and sweet baits may be effective ant control. These little bastards are destroying America's environmental and ecological balance by killing off native ant species, thereby starving the natural predators of these species. They also form a symbiotic relationship with aphids (a common garden pest), tending to and even transporting aphids in return for the sweet secretions the aphids produce. Argentine ants will eat just about anything they can get their grubby hands on, and they are a particularly social species of ant that "teams up" with other colonies nearby. Broadcast baiting with insecticide granules like Niban seems to be the most effective way to get rid of argentine ant colonies outside, coupled with sweet baits to help control Argentine Ants inside.
If you live in the south and you've been swarmed by stinging red ants, chances are you're trying to figure out how to get rid of Fire Ants. Fire ants, the most aggressive of which is the red imported fire ant, are fast becoming the next "problem" insect, like the Africanized honey bee. The sting of a red imported fire ant causes intense pain, sweating, and sometimes anaphylactic shock. Again, broadcast baiting with Hydramethylnon granules (Amdro, Maxforce, and Siege are reputable brands) is probably the best way to get rid of fire ants; though, it should be noted that most fire ant baiting methods are only temporary, and need to be repeated every 2-4 weeks.
To get rid of winged ants or flying ants, what are usually found to be Carpenter Ants, chemicals like Niban and bendiocarbs are used. People often mistake carpenter ants for termites when the carpenter ant begins to swarm, coming out of cracks in the walls and flooring of a house. Carpenter ants do not, in fact, eat wood. If they have reestablished themselves in a home, it is only because there is an ample food supply (sweets and proteins), burrowing through wood only to expand their nests. To get rid of carpenter ants, locate their nest by listening for rustling noises in walls where you most often see wandering ants. Once the nest is located, drilling holes and applying residual and aerosol insecticides in combination seems to be the most effective way to get rid of carpenter ants.
Ant Baits
Controlling ants that can't be taken care of with the steps outlined in the left sidebar will need to be dealt with using ant baits, also known as ant poisons, ant killers, ant hotels, and a variety of other names. Most pest control professionals refer to ant poison as ant bait, because ants will only eat the poison if they take the bait it's been applied to. There are basically two types of ant bait, and two means of delivering that bait. For sugar ants (pavement ants), or the common house ant, we generally use a sweet-based ant bait (usually a syrup) with a chemical like Borax, or boric acid salt. Boric acid is a naturally occuring mineral mined in California, and is the most common ingredient in ant baits used to control house ants like the pharaoh ant, the pavement ant, the odorous house ant, and others. Terro products are a good example of boric acid-based ant control.

The second kind of bait is a protein-based granule made from Niban or Hydramethylnon granules. These granular ant baits are usually used for ants that are a problem outdoors rather than indoors. Fire ants, argentine ants, and sometimes carpenter ants are dealt with via protein-based ant bait granules. They are usually spread with a device similar to that used to spread fertilizers on lawns. Once the ant bait is set, it is up to nature and good luck that the ants in question find the bait and bring it home. You can usually tell that an outside ant bait is working if you can see what are called "ant superhighways" leading to and from a densely-baited area.

How to kill bed bugs

It's tough to kill bed bugs on your own; learn some tips on how to avoid and kill bed bugs while traveling, and how to uninvite them permanently if they want to stay for dinner once you get home. Key: think professional exterminators before spending big bucks battling the buggers with sprays. Let's look at some of the bugs' habits before learning about how to kill bed bugs.

How They Travel

The bugs hitch rides in baggage, sleep sacks or sleeping bags. They jump from hotel to hostel to home on humans -- someone brought 'em to your lodging, albeit accidentally. And they all want to be exchange bugs and travel to new homes internationally.
A Bug's Life

You'll likely notice bites before and if you see the biters themselves, unless you see the telltale streaks on your sheets; the bugs are nocturnal and they hide out unless feeding.
And they're tough customers. According to the National Pest Management organization, they can live more than a year without eating; taking a vacation in hopes the bugs will then move out won't work. They can take the temps, too; the bugs are okay with freezing to Fahrenheit 113.

How to Avoid and How to Kill Bed Bugs While Traveling

If you see bug sign when you get into a hotel or hostel room, consider grabbing your stuff before bugs hop on and cruising straight back to the desk to ask for a new room, and tell 'em why. (Read more about what some desk clerks' responses to a bug claim may be.)
Even if you don't see sign, don't put your backpack on the bed or other furniture in order to lessen chances of the bugs hopping on. If the room has a suitcase stand, use it.

If you've got bites, or you know you've spent time in a room harboring the bugs, vacuum your suitcases, backpack, camera bag -- leave no seam unsucked. Wash everything you own in the hottest water possible to boil the little biters.

How to avoid and kill bed bugs while traveling - a checklist
Look for bug sign in your room; ask for another room or leave
Don't put luggage on any furniture (yeah, the tub works)
Kill bed bugs by washing everything in hot, hot water and vacuuming your bags inside and out, including seams
How to Kill Bed Bugs at Home

The same rules on how to kill bed bugs while traveling apply at home: vacuum your living space relentlessly, including furniture, changing the bag outside (hatchlings can wiggle through a stitch hole). Wash or dry clean everything moveable (clothes, bedspreads, throw rugs) in hottest water. If one happy couple escapes, though, it's all for naught.
Baumann points out that people pay plenty trying various home remedies that don't go so well, and recommends that you bite the bullet and foot the bill for an exterminator to begin with.

How Exterminating Works
The exterminator will have instructions regarding jobs you should complete prior to his arrival.

You may have to:
- Pile up furniture.
- Remove light switchplates (the bugs hide back there).
You may want to:
- Toss mattresses.
- Caulk wall and wood cracks (they hide there, too) -- get caulk and a caulking gun at a hardware store and practice using a finger to smooth the goop flat against surfaces (easy).
- Completely strip all bedding (get to bare mattress). Craft says to fold bedding in on itself to contain the bugs; wash it or dry clean at high temps. Interesting factoid: Craft says that in hot desert areas, folks with infestations often hang bedding and clothes in the blistering sun -- remember that temps over 113 kill bed bugs.
Orkin exterminators will use hot, dry steam to kill bed bugs in places you touch; chemicals are used to kill bed bugs in other spots by flushing the bugs out for steaming.

Lastly, don't open travel bags on home furniture, like beds, and store them away from furniture (like in an outside shed) and any bugs who've hitchhiked may not get the chance to move in.

The bugs now live in all 50 states -- you can certainly get them at home without having traveled, too. Craft says Orkin has exterminated the bloody beasts in all states but North and South Dakota.

Once the mass slaughter is over and you're bug free, don't let the bugs bite again by keeping an eye out for the little pests next time you travel, and use the tips above to keep them out of the house when you get home.

How to get rid of fleas

Adult fleas feed on the living blood of mammals and their young feed on dried blood that has been defecated by the adults. Pretty nasty, huh? Read on and we'll conquer these nasty little insects together.

1. Destroy fleas in the environment

Fleas live on their host, but eggs can be left both on the host and in the host's bedding. The eggs that are left on the host will fall off and accumulate in beds, clothes, carpets, cars, and anyplace that the host visits. These eggs normally hatch in 1-2 weeks, after which the fleas emerge as larvae that can live in carpets (learn how to get rid of carpet fleas) and bedding for up to 200 days before transforming into legless pupae. If conditions are still not quite right, the pupae can sit dormant for over a year before transforming into an adult! This means that many generations of flea eggs can accumulate and lead to a mass-infestation! The first step after infestation is to clean everything that has come into contact with the infested persons or animals in order to remove as many eggs and larvae as possible. This section will walk you through this process.
Environmental flea extermination: Initial steps

Quarantine infested pets.
Collect bedding, rugs and throws and wash them in soapy water. Soapy water kills the eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. Be careful not to spill eggs or larvae when picking them up. Eggs are usually found with tiny pellets of dried blood that are defecated by the adults and used for food by the larvae - the combination looks like salt and pepper. Really gross salt and pepper.

Vacuum everything. upholstered furniture, carpets, cracks in the floor, bare floors, and use the attachments to get in the corners, behind doors, and anywhere else that dust collects. This will pick up most of the eggs, but larvae will latch onto carpet fibers and stick around. After vacuuming, immediately remove the vacuum bag and seal it in a plastic bag. This bag can then be put into the freezer to kill any fleas and be reused later.
The remaining larvae can be dealt with by having the carpets professionally steam-cleaned (the steam will kill every stage of flea except eggs). Make sure you warn the cleaners about the fleas and remove infested animals. Alternatively, you can shampoo the carpet with insecticidal carpet shampoo or have a pest control professional apply an infrared heat treatment to the carpet, which kills all stages of flea.
If your pet spends much time outside, drench his usual resting areas with lots of soap and water to drown any fleas that may be waiting for his return.

2. Flea removal from people and pets

Once the environment has been thoroughly cleaned, move immediately to it's inhabitants. Following are details for removing fleas from people and pets.
Removing fleas from people

Bathe one to two times daily with soap. Insecticidal shampoos are available but are not necessary.
Comb daily with a special flea comb designed to drag fleas out of hiding and dispose of any rousted fleas in soapy water. Record daily the number of fleas removed so you can identify any population increase before it becomes a problem. You can also measure flea populations by wearing a special pair of flannel "booties" over your shoes and pants. The fleas get caught in the material and can then be counted, removed and disposed of. These booties can also be used for temporary protection when traveling into a flea infested area.

Removing fleas from pets

Please be very careful when applying flea treatments to yourself and your pets. Only use treatments that are meant for the animal you are going to use it on. Flea treatments meant for dogs and the environment can easily KILL cats. Also keep in mind that any insecticide is designed to interfere with natural biological processes - to kill.
Wash your pet with soapy water. Insecticidal cat and dog flea shampoos are available but not necessary. Safer's flea shampoo is one of the least toxic varieties. Stay away from shampoos that contain DEET (diethyltoluamide) as it can cause serious adverse reactions.
Comb your pet daily with a special flea comb that is designed to extract fleas and dispose of any you find in soapy water. It is a good idea to record the number of fleas you comb out every day to keep a handle on the population numbers. Alternatively, you can wrap a length of sticky tape around your hand (sticky side out) and pat your animal down. This method works best on short haired animals.
Allergic reactions to flea bites

Allergic reactions to flea bites in humans are usually manifested as dermatitis, skin lesions and mild to severe itching (Learn how to get rid of flea bites). These symptoms can be improved by applying ice, menthol, camphor or calamine lotion to the bites. Over the counter insect repellents that contain diethyltoluamide (DEET) will repel fleas and lessen the frequency of bites. Apply repellents only to clothing, never to skin and never to your pets. Vitamin B1 taken orally has also been proven to repel fleas, so start taking a B-complex multivitamin. If your allergies are really bothering you, go see your doctor about getting flea saliva allergen treatments to lessen or eliminate the allergy altogether. Pets that are allergic to flea bites will exhibit hair loss, usually around the base of the tail and often accompanied by relentless chewing of the area, often until it becomes raw. Pets can become allergic to flea bites because of poor health or poor nutrition so make sure your animal is getting plenty of protein and a balanced diet.

3. The flea control and elimination routine

You've waged the massive assault described earlier and exterminated the majority of the fleas, you must now follow up with a strict routine in order to kill off the remaining stragglers and ensure that they remain under control. You must be more efficient at killing the remaining few then they are at reproducing. This section will show you how to accomplish this, step by step. Keep up these practices for a few weeks after you stop seeing fleas to ensure success.
Flea control habits

Restrict pets to areas that are easily cleaned. (No basements, bedrooms, garages, cars, etc)

Vacuum daily since the previously applied steam cleaning can trigger any remaining eggs to hatch. Remember to seal up or dispose of vacuum bags immediately after use.
Provide bedding for your pet that is easily removed and cleaned (Tips on how to make a pet bed). Lay towels anywhere your pets like to lounge, and wash them all every week until the fleas are gone, and every two weeks after that. Be careful when picking them up as you can spill flea eggs and larvae/pupae if you're not careful.
Comb your pets daily with a special flea comb and record the number of fleas you find in the first 5-10 strokes so you can identify any surges in the population. Flick any fleas that are removed into soapy water to kill them and if a population spike occurs, bathe the pet.
Extreme flea control measures

The previous steps are usually enough to eliminate and control fleas, but in some extreme cases they can still be insufficient. If this describes your situation then consider the following in addition to the previous list:
Apply a liquid insect growth regulator (IGR) to the environment. IGR's inhibit the natural growth of insects (and so they only kill non-adult fleas) and can last for up to 200 days. Methoprene (FleaTrol and Precor) and Fenoxycard are two popular varieties.
Regularly treat your pets outdoor resting areas with lots of soap and water.

Use a flea collar, but only for as long as is needed to control the fleas. Flea collars constantly emit a poisonous vapor that is breathed by both people and pets, and can cause health problems. If this is your pet's first flea collar, check the skin underneath for irritation often.
Steam clean or shampoo the carpets in your home as frequently as is needed.
If this still isn't enough, it's time to call a professional and put the task in their hands. You're probably exhausted anyway!

4. Popular flea control products

Please folks, consult your vet before using anything other than soap and water on your pets, some animals are very sensitive to this stuff and can get very ill or even die. All-natural flea control products derived from plant oils and crushed flowers can be just as toxic as chemicals so be careful, pets are family too.
Insect Growth Inhibitors (IGR's)

IGR's inhibit the natural growth processes of insects and can last for up to 200 days. These products will keep eggs, larvae, and pupae from evolving into adults, but will do nothing to control pre-existing adults. Methoprene (FleaTrol and Precor) and Fenoxycard are two popular varieties. Use these only with the complete control routine outlined above - they are not enough by themselves.
Citrus peel extracts (Limonene and Linalool)

Citrus peel extracts are among the safer treatments, but you need both limonene and linalool to kill fleas in all 4 stages of growth so make sure you choose a product that contains both of them. Use these for spot cleaning and beddings, but not entire rooms or outdoors. Use only EPA registered products directly on people or pets, as a poorly refined citrus extract can cause harm and even the death of your pet. Always consult your vet first.

Sorptive dusts

Sorptive dusts kill fleas by dehydrating them, they absorb their moisture and damage their bodies. These dusts can be applied to carpets and animals but will irritate the lungs so wear a dust mask when applying and keep it out of your pets face. Diatomaceous earth is a popular and effective variety. They work well when applied to carpeting and pets (Don't forget to get between the toes!). Short haired pets should get one dusting, long haired pets may need a second. Afterwards they should be limited in their mobility for a few hours to allow all of the fleas to contact the dust, otherwise the pet may dissipate too much dust through normal activity. Wait at least a week before wetting or washing the animal. After dusting your pets, vacuume and apply the dust to their usual resting locations, bedding, and travel routes. As with any flea treatment please consult your vet before applying to your pet, especially with cats who will lick much of it off of their fur.
Pyrethrins (organic and synthetic)

Pyrethrins is derived from the chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium flower and is one of the least toxic flea control products available. Unfortunately it is often packaged along with the somewhat more toxic chemical piperonyl butoxide which can cause severe health problems in humans. Make sure any product you use does not contain piperonyl butoxide. Also make sure that the solution contains no more than .04% active Pyrethrins. Higher levels can cause serious reactions in pets.
Flea collars

Flea collars work by constantly emitting poisonous vapors that kill any fleas on the animal. Unfortunately, these vapors can also be harmful to the pets and people that they are supposed to protect so use them sparingly and only for as long as needed. When not in use, store them in a tightly-sealed container in a cool, dry place. If you are putting a flea collar on your pet for the first time, check his or her skin underneath the collar often for any reaction.
Ultrasonic flea repellant devices and electronic flea collars

Beware of ultrasonic devices, there are several out there that claim to eliminate insects of all kinds, including fleas. A study was conducted by veterinarian M. W. Dryden that proves that these devices do not work. Don't waste your money.

how much does renters insurance cost

Although renters insurance isn't free, the cost is small when considering how much it would cost to rebuild your life in a day. Could you afford to repurchase a closet full of clothes, a bed to sleep on and pay for another rental contract tomorrow? In the event of fire, theft or other devastation, renters insurance can give apartment, condo and house rental dwellers the security they need in the event of an emergency.

Renters insurance is available for rented houses, condos or apartments. The cost of these policies will vary depending on the location of the home, the value of your personal items in the home, the cost of your deductible and the company you choose to purchase a policy from. If you choose to add on additional policies for flood or hurricane coverage, expect to pay additional fees. Traditionally, a renters insurance policy will cost less per year than a homeowners insurance policy. Expect to pay from $150 to $400 for annual renters insurance premiums.

Each policy will feature different caveats, however, be sure to ask if the coverage of the policy will be for actual cash value or replacement cost coverage. In the event of damage to electronics, actual cash value may be significantly less than when you purchased them, making it difficult to buy a similar item with the low reimbursement. Opt for a plan that offers replacement cost coverage if you have several TV's, cameras, computers or other electronics.

Purchasing a renters insurance policy will protect you from loss of your personal items due to theft, vandalism and fire. Purchasing a liability policy to cover guests in your home is something to be considered of you have many guests. Consider increasing your deductible to make your premium lower.

Although renters insurance is not free, or covered by a landlord, there are many benefits insurance companies will give a renter when they chose to go with their policy. Ask about discounts if you install smoke and fire detectors throughout the home, add a fire extinguisher or burglar alarm system. These extra precautions reduce the chance you will make a claim against the policy, and the insurance company likes to reward that type of behavior. Many insurance companies will also offer a multi-line discount if you hold more than one policy with their company. Consider transferring auto or business policies to the new company when applying for renters insurance, to receive a discount.

Having a renters insurance policy in place gives the renter piece of mind of anything devastating should happen. Knowing you have a way to replace some of your loss, and having a safe place to stay while rebuilding or looking into a another home option, is valuable.

How do home equity loans work

When you have need of cash for a large project or purchase, you may be able to use the equity that you have built up in your home. The longer that you have lived in your home the more equity you would have. Equity simply refers to the cash value that has accumulated in your home since you have been making regular payments over time. Here are some things you need to know about a home equity loan before you apply.

How Much Cash Is Available?

In order to determine just how much cash may be available in your home, you will need to do a little calculation. Start with the current value of your home (not the purchase price), and subtract how much you still owe on your mortgage. This will give you the amount of the total equity you have in the house.

Once you have the total amount of equity, you want to remember that you do not want to have a loan value of more than 80% of the value of your home. If you take more than this, you will need to pay Private Mortgage Insurance.

A Second Mortgage

Generally, a home equity loan is a second mortgage that gives you your equity in a lump sum. As a second mortgage, the interest rate will be higher than with a first mortgage. So, you will need to decide if you want to refinance your first mortgage, or just get a second mortgage. Both ways will give you access to the equity in your home.

They also come available as either a fixed rate mortgage, or as an adjustable rate mortgage. This gives you some flexibility, but be sure that you know the difference when you go to apply.

Repayment Options For Your Loan

Repaying your home equity loan usually means that you have a shorter time period than you would have if it were a first mortgage. Typically, you will have up to fifteen years to repay it. Some lenders may not give you this much time if your credit rating is not so good, and some may give you longer if it is good.

Purposes of a Home Equity Loan

This is one good reason why you may want to get a home equity loan. You can use the money for any purpose you want. If you just want to take a long vacation to that far away tropical place you have wanted to go all your life, or continue your education or pay for your son or daughter's college, buy a boat, reduce indebtedness, or whatever - it is there for you to use.

A Secured Loan

A home equity loan is secured by the home itself. This means that if you should for some reason default on the payments that the lender can foreclose on your home. This requires that you take careful thought about the matter of a home equity loan and do not get one if you are not sure you can make the payments. Getting the cash you want is great - but keeping your home is even better.

Be sure to look around and compare the features of home equity loans before you select one. There is a variance in interest rates and features - which you will see quickly as you start to compare some of them. There are regular closing costs and other expenses that you will incur with getting the loan.

More Information:

Home Equity Loans - How To Get A Good One

If you have a home, then you already know that you can tap into your home's equity and use it any way that you want. Many lenders have provided you with a wide variety of ways for you to access that money.

What Is A Home Equity Line Of Credit And Is It For You?

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) can be a real help to you financially if you need to get a source of money - and have some equity in your home. It gives you various options and a degree of control that you do not have with other type of mortgages.

How To Tell When It Is A Good Time To Refinance

With the economy fluctuating as much as it is today, every now and them it produces a time when it is a good idea to refinance your mortgage. You have heard of others making that change, and may have heard that some got a much better deal. Mortgages are different though, and so are people's circumstances.

Could A Cash Out Mortgage Be For You?

If you have ever wanted to get hold of some of that cash value that is tied up in your home's equity, then it is possible that a cash out mortgage may be your ticket. These mortgages are becoming popular lately because they enable people like you to get the access they want

How to put music on psp

One of the features available in PSP are the ability to play music files namely MP3 format. Certain PSP will also be able to play other types of music files such as Window very own WMA and WMV format, but we will get into that later. However these are restricted to newer version of PSP. This is a rundown on how to put music on PSP.

The steps taken is no different than transferring any files from your PC to PSP memory stick. In order to put music on PSP you will require a USB cable.

This is how you put music on PSP:

1. Connect your PSP with your PC using the USB cable.

2. Use your PSP interface and hit HOME button, and then go into "Settings". Here you will have to use
the directional button to find "USB Connection"

3. Once the connection is made, you will need to check your PCs available drives. You can do this by
going into "My Computer". Your PC should detect your PSP as and additional drive. It is not much
different from using portable drive or thumb drives actually.

4. Click on your assigned PSP drive.

5. Create a new folder call "music" on your PSP drive

6. Select your MP3 music from your PC and drag it into your "music" folder on your PSP. Note that all
this is done in your PC interface.

7. When all the desired MP3 are transferred, get out of the USB connection mode by pressing "O" on
your PSP.

8. Find the music area in your PSP, and select your memory stick. Search for your "music" folder and
you are good to go.

If you have other types of music format in your PC, i.e. WMV or WMA, you will need a converter to convert those files to MP3 format. Do not fret though, as Sony will also supply PSP user with its very own Image Converter. You can easily convert WMA and WMV files format into MP3 format and just repeat the whole process on how to put music on PSP.

On the other hand if you want to play WMV and WMA files without converting your files to MP3, you can always update your PSP firmware to the latest firmware. However, I would not recommend this (upgrading your PSP firmware) as it will severely limit your PSP experience. Some of the effect of upgrading your PSP firmware is that certain games you have will not work on your PSP with the latest firmware. There are forums dedicated to PSP downgrading as a lot of people want to revert back to their old firmware.

"How to put music on your PSP?" has been asked countless times and using PSP interface it is as easy as transferring files to your USB thumb drives. Hope this articles helps.

How to tie double windsor

The double Windsor knot is the most looked after tie knot in the US these days. Although it is the most searched for tie knot on the internet, it is only the third most commonly used knot after the Four in Hand knot and the full Windsor’s smaller brother: The Half Windsor knot.

Although it is not the most commonly used tie knot, the double Windsor is the most popular, and most fashionable tie knot in the United States. With the simple instructions below, and with the help of the Video, tying a perfect double Windsor is easy.

Tie knot Instructions: How to tie a double Windsor tie-knot

The Windsor knot is a double knot. Thus, you need a lot more length of the necktie to tie this knot. Therefore, make sure that the broad end of the tie hangs down much lower. Cross the wider end of the tie over the narrow end and hold in place with two fingers
Then take the wide end of the tie and pull it through the loop on your neck. Then take the wide end and wrap it back behind the narrow end.
Now take the wide end of the tie and pull it through the loop across from the side of the previous wrapping.
Slightly tighten it, and pull the wide end back over the front of the knot. Don’t pull tight but create a loop.
Pull the wide end of the tie through the loop at the front of the knot.
Slightly tighten the knot. Make sure that the wide end of the tie lies centered and doesn’t fall into the crevice created of the two wrappings.
Give the knot some final adjustment and flip down your collars. You are done tying the Double Windsor knot. For more tips you may also want to visit our guide on How to Create a Dimpled Tie Knot.

Windsor Tie Knot Video

At Ties-Necktie we are excited to have added one of the world’s most popular tie knot videos by Casper Isemer – a German necktie aficionado who was one of the first to teach men how to tie a tie on the Internet. His YouTube videos receive millions of views each year. We want to take this opportunity to thank him for letting us use his videos.

More Info on the Double Windsor

The Windsor should also end near the waistband with the tip of the broad part. The narrow end is supposed to be shorter or of the same length. Sometimes this does not work for shorter men. To make the broader part end at a perfect height, the narrow end can be hidden underneath the waistband.

For very tall men, the double Windsor knot is often not suitable if using normal length ties, since any double knot uses up a lot of the tie’s length. We recommend longer ties for the taller man (6‘3“ and taller). For that reason we carry an assortment of extra long silk ties in our on-line shop.